Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Breathing relief.
Breathing problems usually develop gradually and (although rarely) may be the first signs of the disease. They are caused by progressive muscle weakness and, in particular, a weakening of the external intercostal muscles (which play a major role in the act of inhalation). As a result, lung capacity decreases significantly, and breathing becomes more shallow. Over time, this causes:
- lack of air;
- frequent awakenings at night;
- fatigue;
- daytime sleepiness;
- irritating cough;
- deterioration of the quality of life.
Tips for relieving breathing:
1. The position of the body is of great importance. Strong relaxation of the body significantly reduces lung capacity. Therefore, when the patient is sitting, he can breathe easier than lying down.
2. In a sitting position, it is better that the back lies on the back of the chair, is straight and firmly supported.
3. In case of excessive salivation, measures should be taken to control it.
4. Avoid contact with people who have a cold, flu or other infection.
5. The rooms used by the patient should maintain a constant temperature (about 18 and 21 degrees), moderate humidity (dry air makes breathing much more difficult), be regularly ventilated and kept away from smoking and smokers.
6. Performing routine chest physiotherapy may be beneficial, but it should not be done too vigorously. The physiotherapist may also suggest various breathing exercises that help support the chest muscles. For best results, these exercises should begin at the earliest stages of the disease.
If it is impossible to help breathing using the described methods, you should contact your treating neurologist. He may prescribe medication to relieve shortness of breath.
In the later stages, patients are given non-invasive mechanical ventilation (if they have previously given their consent) to help them breathe (especially at night and later in the day). In this method, a mask is put on the patient, which tightly covers the mouth and nose. Room air (not oxygen from the bottle) is sucked in and filtered, and then gently pumped into the lungs when a person inhales. Thanks to this, the patient's life can be prolonged and facilitated.
This method of ALS therapy may not be suitable for all patients and is prescribed at the discretion of the attending physician.
In some cases (with more severe forms of the disease), a tracheotomy is used - a small hole is made in the trachea, into which a cannula or tube is inserted to facilitate breathing. 毎瞬間興奮と感動に満ちた で最高のスロットをプレイし、エキサイティングなライブディーラーゲームをお楽しみください。クラシックスロットから素晴らしいグラフィックを備えた最新のビデオスロットまで、さまざまなゲームに出会えます。私たちのカジノは、すべてのプレイヤーが自分の好みに合ったものを見つけるのを助けるために様々な最高のスロットを提供しています。また、実際のカジノの雰囲気を体験するためにライブディーラーと一緒にゲームを楽しむ機会も提供します。私たちは、高品質のグラフィックとエキサイティングなゲームプレイを体験するために、最高のゲームソフトウェアプロバイダとのみ協力しています。今すぐ参加して特別な機会を見つけて、実際の商品を獲得してください!